
Personal Dosimetry Service

Terms and Conditions

Last updated 14 June 2024


All prices are quoted and transacted in New Zealand dollars only.  Except where explicitly stated to the contrary, all pricing information provided excludes GST.

New Accounts and Payment Terms

New accounts are created when we receive your completed Account Establishment Form.  Depending on when you request your instadose™ monitoring service to start or for your first regular dosimeter wearing period to begin, you may be required to make your first payment on invoice with your order being processed as soon as payment is received.  RadPro may waive this requirement for approved accounts.  Payment terms are the 20th of the month following the date of invoice.  Statements are not issued, except on request, so please pay on invoice.

Overdue Accounts

If payment has not been received within the two working days following the 20th of the month due date, we will contact your nominated accounts payable person and subsequent orders may be held at RadPro pending payment.  If the overdue account is for the instadose monitoring service and payment has not been received by the start the of your next subscription period, access to the Account Management Program may be suspended until payment is received.

Instadose™ Service

The instadose™ dosimeter is supplied as a quarterly subscription-based service that continues until you notify RadPro that you no longer require the service.  With the exception of low volume accounts that are billed annually in advance, the instadose service is billed quarterly in advance.  On cancellation of the instadose service, the physical dosimeter must be returned to RadPro within 90 days of the last day of the subscription period.  A dosimeter replacement charge will be incurred if the instadose dosimeter is not returned to RadPro in a serviceable condition within this timeframe.

TLD Service

RadPro's TLD-based dosimeter solutions are supplied for use on a customer specified monthly, two-monthly or quarterly wearing period.  The are no technical limitations that need to be taken into account when deciding on a suitable wearing period and this decision should based on the applicable regulatory requirements, your level of risk and your ability to remember exposure circumstances should an unexpected dose be reported.

Wearing periods always begin on the first of the month but if you agree to meet the cost of the full wearing period, we can supply additional dosimeters part way through the a current wearing period.  Unless notified at the time of ordering, dosimeter orders are assumed to be recurring and supply will continue until you notify RadPro that you wish to cancel the service.

Quarterly wearing periods begin on the 1st of January, the 1st of April, the 1st of July and the 1st of October.  As these start dates may differ from those of your previous service provider, it is possible that your first quarterly order from RadPro will be for a period of one or two months rather than the full three months.  Should a reduced initial wearing period be required during your transition to RadPro, our charge will be pro-rated accordingly.  For example if your first shipment of badges is worn for two months only, the per badge/ring charge will be two-thirds of the quoted badge/ring price.

Lead Time

The target lead time for new orders or additional "daily" dosimeter orders is two weeks from the date the order is processed by RadPro to delivery at the customer’s specified location.  Shorter lead times are available on request but these orders may incur additional charges if an urgent shipment is required from RadPro’s supplier.  You will be advised of any additional charges at the time of placing an order for any urgent delivery that is unable to be supplied from uncommitted stock.

Spare TLD Badges

Customers are expected to order the number of spare badges they are likely to need within any given wearing period.  Any spare or unused badge or ring we supply can be reassigned to a wearer other than the one to which it was issued.  We just need to be notified of the reassignment so we can update our records so that any dose that may be detected is recorded against the correct wearer.

While RadPro does maintain spare badges that are available for immediate overnight dispatch, these are intended to cover any urgent or unforeseen circumstances.  When spare badges are required with an order, please refer to our Lead Time and Production Cut-off Date sections.

Changes to Orders

Changes can be made to orders as often as required via email or fax or by sending us a completed Change Request Form.  Using this form you can add, remove or change dosimeter types and quantities.  This form is also used to add, remove or reassign wearers or update their details. Completed change request forms can be emailed, faxed or posted to RadPro.  Changes to orders can be made at any time but they must be made on or before the production cut-off date if they are to flow through into production in time for your next shipment.

If you would like to manage your own account, you can do so by utilising the online Account Management Program for instadose, or the GDS Online service for TLD dosimeters.  When we first set up your account, you will typically be given a reduced level of access to these systems.  When you are familiar with these systems and feel confident about managing your own location, dosimeter and user/wearer data, we will allow you to start changing your own data.  We do this on the basis of you accepting full responsibility for any changes you make using your online account.

Cancellation of Service

Notice of cancellation of your recurring TLD service must be made at least 45 days in advance of the first day of the next scheduled wearing period or the order will be committed to production and will be charged for.

TLD Production Cut-off Date

The most important date in our routine production cycle is close of business on the last working day before to the 20th of the month prior to the first day of your next scheduled wearing period.  For January's badge/ring issue, this date is close of business on the last working day before the 18th of December.

Orders are committed to production after this date and so name changes, removals and cancellations associated with your next shipment need to be in by this date.  Once an order has been committed to production it will be supplied and invoiced as is.  To avoid unnecessary charges, it is therefore very important to make sure any reduction in dosimeter order quantities are notified on or before this date.


There are no additional charges for shipping your regular issue of dosimeters.  Extra TLD dosimeters ("dailies") shipped between regular orders and all instadose orders of five or less devices will incur a small order freight fee of $5.00 plus GST.  The current NZ Post rural delivery surcharge will be passed on to customers where this applies.  You are responsible for returning dosimeters to RadPro at your own cost and preferably in the packing supplied.  You are strongly encouraged to use a tracked delivery service to avoid problems during transit.  Please refer to the FAQ page for more detailed information about shipping.

Dosimeter Ownership and Care

Dosimeters are the property of RadPro or its suppliers.  You are responsible for the proper care of dosimeters in your possession.  Possession begins from the confirmed date and time of dosimeter delivery to your shipping address and ends when returned dosimeters are checked-in at RadPro’s premises.  Please refer to the FAQ page for more detailed information about dosimeter care.

Control Dosimeters

For all dosimeter types other than instadose, a control dosimeter is included in each shipment to a customer location for a given wearing period.  When regular dosimeters are returned at the end of their intended wearing period, control dosimeters for the associated wearing period must be returned at the same time.  There is no charge for this dosimeter unless it is lost or damaged while it is in your care.  Please refer to the FAQ page for more information concerning control dosimeters.

Reporting Time

Dose reports for instadose badges are available online as soon as badges have been read.  For TLD dosimeters, dose reports are available within a month of the receipt of returned dosimeters at RadPro and are emailed out to the nominated contact(s) as soon as they become available.

Emergency Processing

For incidents requiring emergency processing, RadPro will respond with the dose assessment results by fax or by email within five working days of our receipt of badges.  Emergency processing costs $150.00 per request plus $15.00 per badge processed.  Requests for emergency processing must be accompanied by a signed authorisation and RadPro must receive prior notification that a shipment for emergency processing is on its way to RadPro.

Lost or Damaged Dosimeters

Any dosimeter (including control dosimeters) not returned 90 days after the end of the wearing or subscription period will incur a non-refundable dosimeter replacement charge.  Dosimeters returned in a damaged condition will also incur a dosimeter replacement charge.  The current replacement charges for each type of dosimeter are listed below and are exclusive of GST.



Instadose®VUE Photon$75.00

Genesis Ultra TLD$35.00

MeasuRing TLD$20.00

Paperless Communication

RadPro uses paperless communication wherever possible.  This means that all invoices are sent by email and dose reports are either sent by email or they are accessible by you on demand by logging on to the applicable online service.

Refund Policy

Except where already noted in these terms and conditions, refunds will not be given unless there has been a demonstrable misunderstanding or an administrative error on our part.  If you have any concerns regarding your account or a particular invoice, please contact us and we will work with you to get any issues resolved.

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