If you have a question or a technical problem, please review the list of FAQs from the categories below and see if you can find an answer. If you can't find the answer you need, please send us an email or give us a call.
On this page:
Q: My dosimeters haven't arrived yet, what should I do?
A: If your new shipment of dosimeter's hasn't arrived within three working days of the start of your wearing period, get in touch with us and we will find out what has happened to your shipment. If necessary we send out a replacement shipment of dosimeters. If your new shipment of dosimeters does not arrive before the start of your next wearing period, please continue to use the dosimeters you already have until your new shipment arrives.
Q: My shipment has an extra packet in it labeled "CONTROL DOSIMETER". What is this and what is it used for?
A: Each shipment (excluding instadose™) contains a control dosimeter in a plastic bag for each type of dosimeter ordered. Control dosimeters are used to record any background exposure during transit and storage and must not be worn by anyone or taken into radiation areas. There is no charge for control dosimeters unless they are lost or damaged while in your care.
Control dosimeters should be kept in a radiation-free area to ensure effective and valid detection of background radiation. When regular dosimeters are not in use, it is good practice to store these in the same place as the control dosimeter and away from sources of radiation. The control dosimeter must be returned to RadPro along with all of the dosimeters from the same wearing period. Dosimeters processed without the appropriate control dosimeter may result in a reported dose that includes exposure accumulated during transit and/or storage.
Q: How should I return my dosimeters back to RadPro?
A: You do not need to return instadose dosimeters back to RadPro for processing unless you are explicitly requested to do so. All other types of dosimeters, including control dosimeters of the same wearing period, should be collected, packaged and sent to RadPro as soon as possible after the last day of the scheduled wearing period. Adherence to this schedule is critical for obtaining timely and accurate exposure reports.
Wherever possible, please do not part-return your worn TLD badges/rings to RadPro. Instead, please retain your dosimeters onsite until you have gathered in ALL of the dosimeters for the elapsed wearing period and then return these to RadPro together as a group in a single shipment. If staff are scheduled to be on leave at the end of the current wearing period, please collect their badge early and store it with the appropriate control dosimeter(s). For maximum reporting accuracy it is far better for you to collate all of your worn dosimeters onsite with the appropriate control dosimeter and return these as a single group than it is for you to return dosimeters to RadPro in dribs and drabs where they become separated from their control(s).
We recommend returning your dosimeters in the return envelope provided with each shipment. For larger shipments, please reuse the original shipping packaging with the supplied return labels attached. Apply postage or courier ticket to your shipment, and return to RadPro as soon after the end of the wearing period as possible. Please note that we will not report doses on dosimeters received more than twelve (12) months from the start of their intended wearing period.
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Q: What are the guidelines for dosimeter care?
A: Keep dosimeters away from heat or excessive moisture. Dosimeters should not be worn outside the workplace or during personal medical procedures. To avoid having to replace lost or damaged dosimeters, badges should be collected at the end of each shift or work day and stored in a central location away from radiation sources.
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Q: Is instadose an EPD (Electronic Personal Dosimeter)?
A: No, instadose is a passive dosimeter and is approved for use as such in New Zealand as a dosimeter of record. While instadose does have electronic components built into it, these are simply there to facilitate the reading of its passive radiation sensing elements at a time and a place that suits you as its wearer.
Q: How do I wear my instadose badge?
A: Instadose dosimeters should be worn in the same position as a regular TLD or film badge. The clip should be facing in towards you.
Q: Why are my dose reports displaying in mRem instead of mSv?
A: The Account Management Program (AMP) is running in US mode. Make sure you logon to the AMP using the quick link provided on our homepage and select "English (AU)" from the list of available languages when you logon and everything will display in terms of mSv.
TIP: To convert a value reported in mRem into mSv just divide the stated value by 100.
Q: How do I know that my instadose is actually working?
A: Whenever your instadose is read, the device is checked to confirm that it operating properly. You will be notified if any problems with the device are detected.
Q: How do I test if the instadose reader program is installed?
A: Click on this link to simulate a device read. If the reader program is installed, it will start and a series of green dots will display. At the end of the simulated read, an error box will display with a 404 error. This is expected behavior. If the reader program does not appear, please logon to your instadose account and download and install the instadose driver program via the dashboard.